From apalacicola to Perry and the schedule after that

Next day after apalacicola I did a 60 miler to clavfordsville Florida to the Magnusson hotel and resort . it is a golf luxury resort and different quality than other hotels in this trip.I managed to clean my clothes there. Much needed.apalacicola and the small towns next to it are known for fishing and specially oysters. You can get as much oysters as you like. Lot of restaurants in this area. The part between clavfordsville and Perry is totally differrent area. It is mostly forest and the map told me there is no fooddstop the whole 60 miles to Perry. Therefore I needed to carry food and drinks with me.when I was 40 miles in the ride I saw a small gas station that were not in the maps. I went in got some coffee and few minutes after the cyclists from California stopped there too. We spoke to each other for awhile before heading to Perry. Perry and the area around it is known for timber. There are big forests there and most of people work in that industry. I will stop in Perry for 2 nights and then continue South to Gainesville and mt Dora to Orlando and from there to cocoa beach and to Miami. The speed depends on rest days And weather. my plan is taking a rest day in my favorite training hotel in ft pierce




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Jón Eggert Guðmundsson


Jón Eggert Guðmundsson
Jón Eggert Guðmundsson

I am doing 4155 mile triathlon. Longest triathlon in the world Guinness record. I am doing this to support #Wheelheroes 

Aprķl 2024
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  • bird
  • day 1
  • 20171218 124425
  • 20171217 092923
  • 20171217 092923



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