Day 6

Over 100 km now since the beginning. 108 km or 68 miles done. No big problems. Had blister issues first few days. Mostly gone now. I changed how I start. Guinness world records will count the circles I run and cycle. They will not measure distances from the circle to my home and back. So I cycle to the circle now every morning. Lock my bike there and continue running from there. And I run to the bike and bike back. 

Temparature is increasing. I feel it. So I am now running in the shade as I can. I changed the hydration. I carry with me water bottle from the start. I usually finish it  after around 7 miles. On the 7 mile mark is a small store with restroom and gatorade. My plan is to drink so much on my ride that I need to pee when I get to the store. If I dont need to pee I need to drink more. In the store I put the gatorade in my pocket and drink it the rest of the way.


Bloggfærslur 14. febrúar 2018

Um bloggið

Jón Eggert Guðmundsson


Jón Eggert Guðmundsson
Jón Eggert Guðmundsson

I am doing 4155 mile triathlon. Longest triathlon in the world Guinness record. I am doing this to support #Wheelheroes 

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