Day 13

Feeling much better. Good weather. Sunshine and strong wind that cooled me down. 234 km done

Day 12

Started with rain. Got some stomach issue.  Then the heat started. uff it was slow run. Later today after sleeping abit I had an interview with cycling quarterly  magazine about my triathlon attempt. Feel much better after sleeping today and eating. Ready for tomorrow. 216 km done

Day 11

When   I woke up it was cloudy but not looking like it was going to rain. Checked the weather forecast and it told me it will be overcast and no rain. So I did not take with me rain systems on my run. Around 15 minutes into my run the rain  started. And it was raining until the end. I put my hand over my camera to prevent water to damage it. Found a plastic bag and put my phone in it. My spot3 is waterproof bu the phone is semi water proof and my camera leaks through the usb cable. i put my batterypack inside my jersey. It worked. no damage. Because of the rain the temparature was cool and great. Felt good on the run and after the run. Will take a rain bag with me tomorrow even if the forecast is no rain 198 km done

Day 10

Great run today. Still fresh. No injuries. 180 km done.

Day 9

Little stiff. Probably nothing to be afraid of. Will rest well today. 100 miles done.

Day 8

Great weather. 90 miles done Feeling good. No injuries and my legs feeling fresh

Day 7

Weather a little cooler.Great run. I started a little earlier than usual. Thinking about trying to start around sunrise tomorrow to use the cooling effect of the morning. 79 miles done. I am doing a 18 km pace per day. That is my routine and distance that i can run day after day for a long time. I  will continue running this distance until my running goal is reached. My goal will be reached around 25 april. So 26 april I will start cycling. More about it later

Day 6

Over 100 km now since the beginning. 108 km or 68 miles done. No big problems. Had blister issues first few days. Mostly gone now. I changed how I start. Guinness world records will count the circles I run and cycle. They will not measure distances from the circle to my home and back. So I cycle to the circle now every morning. Lock my bike there and continue running from there. And I run to the bike and bike back. 

Temparature is increasing. I feel it. So I am now running in the shade as I can. I changed the hydration. I carry with me water bottle from the start. I usually finish it  after around 7 miles. On the 7 mile mark is a small store with restroom and gatorade. My plan is to drink so much on my ride that I need to pee when I get to the store. If I dont need to pee I need to drink more. In the store I put the gatorade in my pocket and drink it the rest of the way.


Day 5

Great run today. Did some changes to my hydration and try to stay in shade. That helped alot. i was strong the whole run and felt great.

Day 4

hot run today. Did my usual circle. But what is different now and afterwards is i cycle to the start of my circle and cycle back. Guinness will measure the circle for the record. Not to and back. 

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Um bloggið

Jón Eggert Guðmundsson


Jón Eggert Guðmundsson
Jón Eggert Guðmundsson

I am doing 4155 mile triathlon. Longest triathlon in the world Guinness record. I am doing this to support #Wheelheroes 

Feb. 2018
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4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28      

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  • bird
  • day 1
  • 20171218 124425
  • 20171217 092923
  • 20171217 092923



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