2 weeks until start

Starting in 2 weeks. I have put everything together of the equipments I need to use because of the record attempt. I have created the route. I need a surveior to measure the route but Bob Williams fellow cyclist from the construction industry is asking around in his social network. I have 150 days to do that so it is still more than enough time. Adante cycling on old cutler road will be my witness on the running and cycling part. Belen Valladares will be my witness too. Thanks alot for this. I have been running alot and I feel good in my legs. I will use next 2 weeks to adjust my life so I can do activities most of the time for few months. I am looking for charity to support

I am feeling strange quietness from people.  I think most people dont realize how big this is. It is 4155 miles. With 810 miles of running and 120 miles of swimming. This is 2 world record attempts. 1) Longest Triathlon in the world. 2) Longest duathlon in the world.

drinking while running

My usual running day is 4-5 hours. I am slow. So what I will be using on my runs is cycling jersey with food in the pockets and water bottles. I will finish running in april. Then cycling. The hydration on my cycling is as usual. 2 water bottles on my bike and some food in my pockets. cycling will take 2 months. So when i start the running part of the duathlon it will be hot in Maimi in jun. So I am planning to run then with a hydro pack. I have used hydro pack doing cycling. First time using it running.


My best part is cycling and swimming. My weakest part is running. I did 2300 mile run 2006 but have not done much running after that until now. This is a long distance record with many rules. One of the rule is after you start you can not stop. You can not take a day off for rest or in bad weather. You need to do as much as you can every day. If you can not do your activity one day you are out and you need to start again. 

One more thing. I feel that people are quiet now about this. Reason for this is probably people think I can not do it. I can asure you that I have a 2300 mile ride and 2300 mile run under my belt and last summer I did a 100 mile swim. So I am cabable to do this. I am not fast and my body does not look like athlete but is is made  for a long distance activities.And my mind too. On long activities I go into a zone where my focus is on finishing.

training run

Did a training run wit everything I will use on the record attempt. Looks ok. I am stronger now and by body is adjusting to run for a long time. 

test run

Did a test run tonight with full system that I will use next few months. I was with gopro camera on my head in head band. I use usb cable from my camera on my head to a charger in my jersey. It looks interesting and people looked strangely at me. It worked well. Tomotrrow I will run larger distance with this system.

Changes in the start

Because of few things I need to fix before I start the record I will start week later than expected or saturday 10 february. Nothing else will change

First week running plan

1 february 10 miles

2 february 10 miles

3 february 10 miles 

4 february 10 miles 

5 february 10 miles

6 february 10 miles

7 february 10 miles

total 70 miles

My circle is 10 miles. I will find out if I can increase the distance after the 1 week. do 20 miles per day or 2 circles. I will find out during the first week. On my 2300 mile run 2006 I did 20 miles per day without problems so I could probably do it

pre record thoughts

In few days i will start. Will do the run first 810 miles Then doing the cycling 3220 miles

then a 120 mile swimming.


The running part will take 81 days max. 51 days min

The cycling part will  take 51 days

the swimming will take 40 days

So I will finish 26 july in Miami total of 4155 miles triathlon  and 3625 miles duathlon.

This day is not exact but this is close to this date


I will do the swimming leg in LA fitness or cutler ridge swimming pool. The problem with cutler ridge pool is it is outside and only open few hours per day. LA fitness pool is inside and open all day until late at night. The problem is they dont let people that want to visit me in without paying. I might talk to them and make exception because on the swimming leg after finishing the running and cycling I can expect media with camera crew and lot of staff following me.

About this record attempt

Existing record in triathlon is by Norma Basidas from 2014. She did 4983 km The existing world record in duathlon is empty. Nobody has done it yet. Swim/bike/run is in same proportions as triathlons. 3% swim. 77% bike and rest running. There is only one category and does not matter how old you are or if you are man or woman. You can do this as a point to point or you can do this as a circle like I am doing.

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Jón Eggert Guðmundsson


Jón Eggert Guðmundsson
Jón Eggert Guðmundsson

I am doing 4155 mile triathlon. Longest triathlon in the world Guinness record. I am doing this to support #Wheelheroes 

Jan. 2018
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